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Characters: Kotori ♥ Mari ♥ Ai ♥ Kanon ♥ Megumi
Birthday: May 4th

Astrology Sign: Taurus

Height: 163 cm
Blood Type: O

Personality Type: ISFP-T 
Hobbies: Video games, crafting, singing, dancing
Food Likes: Ice cream, mochi
Food Dislikes: Tomatoes, tea

Favorite Color: Pastel pink

Idol Color: Pink

I'm Kawaii Ringo and I'm the founder of the group. I've been cosplaying since 2005 and I used to be a Zumba instructor. When I'm not practicing dances or making costumes, I like to play games. My favorite game series is the Legend of Zelda. I'm also in the process of battling thyroid cancer. This group has helped me A TON with keeping a positive attitude through it all and I'm glad I have such wonderful friends to rely on!

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